Petchabun Updates

Greetings from Petchabun!  It has been a pretty eventful and interesting trip so far. 1. I know how much weight (equipment + clothes) I lug onto a plane now 2. I have to use my thai sim card + USB modem to connect to the internet because there is no internet...

Pork Knuckles @ Magma

I had a pork knuckle craving the night before.  So after a quick group chat on MSN, the 6 of us descended upon Magma at 7pm. Initially we wanted to go to Badens / Paulaners / Brotzeit but after using “best pork knuckle singapore” on google, I chanced upon...

Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?

I came upon this by chance over here : Why are Professional Photographers so expensive? In this digital age where everyone has digital cameras, scanners and home “photo printers”, when people...


The internet was down again.  As i lay in bed, i realised it was pretty bright.  I looked up and i saw the moon. its not a full moon, but i like it. i miss riding the FJR… i miss BKK.

Fo You Yuan (佛有缘)

Here are a some menu items from a vegetarian restaurant Fo You Yuan (佛有缘) (their vegetarian ikan bilis) after the shoot, the boss said that they can’t possibly finish all the food.  so they packed 5 dishes for me and i must say that the food is not bad! the...