during my last day at Khek Noi, a bunch of pre-schoolers with bags the same size as them were following their teacher, like ducklings following their mother duck. i missed the opportunity to take those photos because i was just sitting around and looking. by the time i got my camera out, it was more for the primary school kids that have just finished a day in school.
(kids coming out of school)
(some of the kids dropped by the shop before going back to the house)
(Eugene’s mushroom farm)
(Seng making the kids fall in again)
(Seng killing a kid)
(Seng killing another kid)
(psycho kid)
(stoning kid)
(kids told to open their hydration satchets)
(puke with a view)
(act cute)
(mushroom farm with a view)
and that concludes my 4 day trip to Khek Noi.
i’ll be planning to go back to BKK in september, but first i gotta clear my shoots!